General News

News from the wider world of healing, healthcare and wellbeing

2nd January 2018

"What Doctors Don't Tell You" reports side effects of the world's most commonly prescribed diabetes drug are so severe that people stop taking them  read more

10th November 2017

A Middle Eastern Peace Intention Experiment ran yesterday (9/11/17) and made history. Read more...  read more

4th October 2017

Research supports the idea that nature could be widely prescribed by doctors as a therapy, easing the burden on the NHS. Read more...  read more

21st July 2017

Phthalates have been linked to a range of chronic diseases, from heart problems, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  read more

29th June 2017

More than half of CCGs are failing to meet the target set by NHS England for the number of people who should be accessing talking therapies.  read more

19th December 2017

WDDTY today reports on a new study showing that radiation from mobile phones & wi-fi dramatically increases the risk of miscarriage.  read more

11th October 2017

In the last six years, men admitted to hospitals for eating disorders increased by 70%, but experts believe many more are being overlooked  read more

25th July 2017

A Medicine student from the University of Exeter Medical School has met HRH The Prince of Wales to champion a new social prescribing project  read more

6th July 2017

People who regularly pop a heartburn pill for indigestion could be putting themselves at risk of a premature death according to a new study  read more

27th June 2017

WDDTY reports a major landmark ruling that a vaccine can be blamed for triggering a disease or causing harm when there is no scientific proof  read more