Healing is experienced by different people in different ways and people's first experience may be different to follow up sessions.  If you've never tried Healing for yourself, we thought you might be interested to hear what other people have said about their first experience. Here are some short extracts of feedback from recipients of Healing taster sessions given as part of our Aspects of Healing initiative.


That treatment was so powerful and has filled me with positive energy.


After the session when tears flew and tingling appeared, I feel completely relaxed and light.  


Very calming, enabled me to release unwanted energies. 


Wonderful calming sensation - came away feeling more grounded and positive.


I felt held and respected and the sensation of energies throughout my body and around were grounding and loving. 


As a non-believer, I was very sceptical but now I've had a taster session I have faith in it working and truly believe. I will seek it out again. Will pass these experiences along to my social circle.


Why not get in touch with us to let us know about your experiences of Healing and help others who may be thinking about seeking it out?  Just use our normal contact details for ease and add the subject line "Healing Stories".