Our members
The CHO is the leading charity advancing the practice of Healing: promoting its benefits as a recognised complementary therapy by providing education, research and information to a wider audience of healing and healthcare practitioners and society as a whole.
As such we work with a growing number of healing organisations on a membership basis in addition to individuals and organisations on an associate membership basis. To find out more about this and the different ways of working with us, please visit our Membership section.
Our current Member Organisations include:
Association for Therapeutic Healers | www.healers-ath.org |
College of Healing | www.collegeofhealing.org |
College of Psychic Studies | www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk |
Holistic Energy Association | www.holisticenergyassociation.com |
International Network for Energy Healing (UK) | |
Cambray Health Dynamics | +44 (0)7968 799454 |
Kent International Healing Association | www.kiha.org.uk |
Maitreya School of Healing | www.maitreyaschoolandhealingcentre.org.uk |
Omnes Healing | https://omneshealing.com |
Open Pathway Retreat Centre | |
Pure Channel Healing Association | www.purechannelhealing.co.uk |
The Healing Fellowship | |
The Radionic Association | www.radionic.co.uk |
Surrey Healing Association | surreyhealing1962@gmail.com |
The Sylvan Charitable Trust | https://sylvanhealing.org |
Our current Associate Organisations include:
Inayatiyya Healing UK | www.inayatiyyahealinguk.org |
Leaves Institute | www.leavesinstitute.com |
Polish Association of Spiritual Healers | www.psdu.pl |
The Healing Trust | www.thehealingtrust.org.uk |
The Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust | www.cancertherapies.org.uk |
Divine Energy International | divineenergyinternational.com |