What is Healing?

Healing is different things to different people.  Something as complicated as a surgical procedure can be seen as giving healing as can something as simple as a parent comforting their child.  We feel and give out healing energy throughout our everyday lives, e.g. when listening to our friends’ life challenges, or when tending to our animals, or working in our gardens.  These are positive energetic connections that make us feel good too.

There are many different ways in which healing is practised but there are commonalities between those differing practices.  Healers believe they are a conduit for healing energy, channelling it from something greater than them, whether that is from a divine source or a universal energy of which we are all a part.  Using a form of focused intention they facilitate the flow of energy through to the recipient so that it may be used for the body, mind, spirit or emotions or a combination of all or any of them.  By focusing in this way, healers are not putting their own thoughts/wishes/egos into the healing they channel, therefore not restricting the outcome of healing in any way.

Healers impart healing energy by direct contact or over a distance to people, animals, plants or any other living thing.  Relationships, places and situations such as conflict can also receive healing.  Importantly, people can learn to access healing energy for their own self-healing.

You may find our Frequently Asked Questions section helpful if you would like to know more about what is involved in the practice of Healing.  Please get in touch with us using any of the methods shown on our Contact page if you wish to locate a healer. 

The Confederation of Healing Organisations has members of varying healing disciplines and welcomes non-healers too.  Our Membership pages will give you all the information you need to join us.

Above everything, we hope that we help inform your understanding, increase your interest in Healing, and possibly encourage you to try it for yourself.

Sue Knight
Chief Executive