Healers of the World Unite for the Philippines

13th December 2013

From an email received by the CHO on 10 December 2013.

Hi everyone, my name is Sean Cartwright from Ireland and I would like to invite all distant healers from all the many healing modalities, experts and students alike to join me and my sister Phyl Smith from Australia in sending a unified, simultaneous healing to the survivors of the Philippine tragedy.

I am voicing all of the thoughts and reasons behind this invitation on my video which can also be found on my face book page (see below)


Please understand that my video is also pitched at a wider audience and at modalities who might not consider that distance healings were possible within their remit. My attempts at tweaking existing practises  is only to further encourage thinking outside of the box and please let no offence be taken here. The end product is all that matters and I know we are all singing from the same song book here.

If my idea alone is sufficient for you here, then simply join in with us. We have had our first healing last Friday at 9 Pm and thank you so much, all who participated. We need to build numbers though so hence this message.

I’m proposing 9pm Friday 13th December Irish time for our next healing to reach the Philippines at 5am Sat 14th Dec and to last for at least 30 mns. Coordinating a unified time will obviously not be possible so I’m suggesting that the different time regions etc set their agreed timing on the same day and as close as possible to our own or alternately midweek to stagger the effect. I have set up a face book page entitled “Healers of the World Unite for the Philippines” so please use this to post suggestions for your own times etc. Please click “like” and post an encouraging comment also if you can. We need that building, ripple effect to progress this so please help us out by sending this to everyone you know. If they could also post their individual support and a comment, that would be wonderful and really motivating? Thank you, Sean and Phyl.

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