Can Spiritual Healing legitimately work with modern medicine?
A particularly pertinent question at a time when integrated medicine and social prescribing are climbing higher on the healthcare agenda. This is just one of the questions posed by Dena Barnett in her timely documentary ‘Spiritual Healing: A New Frontier in Medicine’.
We've been following Dena's personal and scientific journey from the beginning, as she has sought to discover the role of consciousness and spirituality in healthcare, and the transformation Healing could bring about in modern medicine.
In the making of the documentary, Dena has journeyed across Europe and America in search of answers and perspectives on what constitutes healing. She heard first hand from practicing healers, researchers, recipients and medical professionals, about the potential life-transforming impact that a combined approach could achieve.
We're delighted to have contributed in a small way too by adding our voice to the collective support of Aubrey Rose CBE OBE, Larry Dossey MD, Sandy Edwards, Prof. Chris Roe, Dr. William Bengston and others.
If, like the current UK research Dena refers to, you support the role for Spiritual Healing in modern medicine, we recommend taking a look at the documentary trailer, which is available at and Dena's GoFundMe page and support the development and promotion of Dena's work in any way you can.