Local practitioners encouraged to learn transferable skills in animal healing
Healing practitioners and other complementary therapists from around West Sussex, Surrey and beyond, have the opportunity to learn how to transfer their skills, to care for animals with a range of health and behavioural problems. Sue Newport, a renowned healer from Horsham, particularly well known for her work in treating horses with a variety of conditions, is holding a one-day workshop in Billingshurst, where she will teach complementary practitioners of all modalities how to extend and transfer their skills to domesticated animals of all types.
The workshop, certified by the Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO), will cover subjects ranging from the legal aspects of healing animals to understanding how emotions affect energy fields around humans and animals alike.
Newport, who has a diploma in Craniosacral Therapy and Animal Healing has co-written a BTEC Professional Diploma in Animal Healing (Level 4) and currently runs Asentia College of Animal Healing, dedicated to teaching and training animal carers and those who want to be professional practitioners in Animal Healing.
Sue commented: “Having the ability to heal animals is now more important than ever because of our increasing cohabitation. We sometimes forget animals are sentient beings like us; therefore they suffer emotional, physical and mental issues just as we do. They share our experiences and energy fields, and, as much as we need to take responsibility for feeding and sheltering them, we need to give consideration to their emotional wellbeing alike. We all know of cats and dogs who have been subjected to abuse, neglect and trauma, so my message to therapists is to learn how to transfer your skills to provide a level of care that our animals, who bring us so much joy and companionship, so justly deserve.”
This workshop coincides with the recent release of groundbreaking scientific research from the University of Northampton, which has ruled out the ‘placebo effect’ as a reason for Healing’s effectiveness. The peer-reviewed research, which was commissioned by the CHO, tested healing on animals, plants and human beings, with a positive result recorded in each instance.
Taking place at Billingshurst Community & Conference Centre (Roman Way, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9QW) the Animal Healing Toolkit will commence on Saturday 6 August 2016, between 10.00am – 4.00pm at a cost of £60 (non-members), £48 (CHO members). Refreshments available throughout the day – delegates are asked to please bring their own lunch. To book your place, please visit: www.the-cho.org.uk/events or contact Nicola on events@the-cho.org.uk. Tel: 0300 302 0021