Please Support Us

Supporting us is easy - there are many ways to contribute:


Add your voice to ours

Simply follow us, comment and share on Facebook and Twitter:

Donate your empty ink cartridges

Just email us for a pre-paid envelope to send off your empty printer cartridges and we'll receive a donation for each one received.


Support us when you shop online at no cost to you

Did you know you can support us every time you shop online in thousands of shops and it won't cost you a penny?


Make a donation

When you make a donation, you're helping us to provide information, advice and services to support the professional and reputable provision of Healing and other complementary therapies to a wider audience. Whether you'd like to give personally or through a trust or foundation, we can do so much with your donation.

Donate through Give as you Live Donate


Fundraise for us

Whether you put on your own event, or take part in someone else's, contact us with your fundraising ideas and we'll work out the best way we can support you.


Become a regular supporter

Set up a regular donation and enjoy the benefits of becoming a CHO Friend; early bird alerts to events, training opportunities and workshops, plus our quarterly newsletter.

  • £5 a month would help us take our Aspects of Healing initiative into the NHS and wider community
  • £10 a month would enable us to continue to ensure proper standards of practice within the fields of Healing and other complementary therapies.

Donate through Give as you Live Donate


Invest in a research project

Peer reviewed research helps us to campaign at Government level and support healthcare professionals to integrate Healing and other complementary therapies as valued and effective elements in a patient's care. Whether you help us as a research partner, or by offering funding, you'll be supporting the advancement of a growing library of evidence based information.


Leave a legacy or donate in memory

You can make such a difference by choosing to remember The Confederation of Healing Organisations in your will, or by donating in memory of a loved one or friend.


We truly appreciate the generous efforts and donations of everyone who supports The Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO) because however you choose to support us, you're playing an important part in growing our community and advancing the practice of Healing.